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Is that understood?” “Yes, Miss Hamilton,” I replied. I let out a soft, low moan as I felt Veronica’s long, slender fingers glide over the delicate fabric of my panties. “Whose instructions are you going to follow, Lucy?” she teased. “Yours, Miss Hamilton,” I replied, parting my legs a little under the tantalizing touch of her fingers. “Now, take your panties off,” she ordered, her voice firm and insistent. As though under some kind of hypnotic trance, I lifted my bottom from the seat and moved my hands under my skirt. With some difficulty I managed to work my knickers down my legs before taking them off. “Good girl, Lucy,” said Veronica. “Now, pull your skirt down and tidy yourself up. We’ll soon be there.” Within minutes we were pulling up outside Samantha Sutton’s studio; an enormous and impressive converted farmhouse on the edge of the picturesque village of Poynton. As I got out of the car and straightened my skirt, I felt the warm air move freely around my now bare sex,. “I bet my cats love to see you again.”She was about to say something but then she stepped inside and past me. Her bare arm touched my chest and I think I saw goosebumps form on her skin. I closed the door and turned. Waiting for a second as I saw her walk to the living room. Her long hair hiding her ass and only showing glimpses of it as it swayed from left to right and back again.When I reached the living room she stood in the center of it. She was looking at the floor and fumbling with her fingers.“Do you want something to drink?” I asked.She looked up at me and started to talk a couple of times as if she was building up courage.“A friend of min just turned 18. Actually I did to. And she had this crazy idea. I know it sounds crazy. I told her it was crazy. But she insisted on it. She said everybody does it. She wants to. I still think it is crazy. It is even more crazy now I am here.”After blurting all this in only one second she rushed past me back to the door. I managed to grab.
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